Saturday, 31 December 2011

International Animal Rescue Foundation Founder & South African Operation Action Rhino Survival

The International Animal Rescue Foundation founder J.Dimetri and South African Operation Action Rhino Survival wish to send you a happy new year for 2012.. and may the world be a much brighter place for all animals in our safety.

The Founder J.Dimetri & Co International Animal Rescue Foundation 

2009-2011 has seen the main sister group of the I.A.R.F fight some amazing animal battles in and out of court, on the grounds, and also on line to, then 2011 saw myself J.Dimetri open the main International Animal Rescue Foundation a registered "european rescue" to fight and take the new sister team of the front global to, and hey we have new friends that have joined us South African Operation Action Rhino Survival who we welcome with open arms, ready for phase I of save the rhino.

The fight for animal survival now takes a new turn for us and our friends for whom we stand united with to curb all animal cruelty our logo below will soon change that will include the founder names and also the delegates names along with a much more stronger logo with the rhino attached.

The European force has worked hard in it's battles to get to where we are now, thats also included seeing who are friends really are and who we surely trust.

I can say most of our delegate pages have been set in motion now, although we have seen a duplicate copy called the International Animal Rescue Foundation World Action Canada that just consists of a group of hunters the real Canadian page International Animal Rescue Foundation Action 22 is the real Canadian page run by the I.A.R.F team. Action 22 means the 22 actions in which we will be taking in CA, in order to fulfil our main animal objectives to the causes that need us, (actions mean action) no demonstrating, not candle walkers this is not how we see animals are to be saved, we just see this as a nuisance.

The I.A.R.F & S.O.A.R.S will now battle together to fight this lousy war in which animals are being abused on a grand scale in the wild, slaughter houses, fur farms, puppy mills, and many more even including the animal sex trade.



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